I’m in need of a computer. How do I apply to receive one?

TechFIN works with many community partners throughout NYC and Long Island to get computers into the hands of youth who need them most.  Please work with your local community organization to reach out to us to learn more!  

Do the computers come with a warranty?

TechFIN wants to ensure that our recipients will have the support they need to keep their computers running, and will replace computers that fail within one year of its deployment.  

I have MacBooks I would like to donate. Will you accept them?

While TechFIN currently only accepts Windows machines, we strongly encourage you to recycle your machine if you’re unable to find a loving home for it.

Do you accept laptops and desktops?

Yes, TechFIN will accept your gently used and working laptop or desktop computers. Please reach out to us to set up your donation!

My computer doesn’t meet your specification, can I still donate it?

TechFIN appreciates your generosity, however, we will not be able to utilize computers that do not meet specifications.  We highly encourage recycling your old computer if you cannot find a home for it!

I have some old computer peripheral equipment that I don’t need, can I give them to you?

TechFIN accepts accessories (mouse, keyboard, power cords, monitor cords). Please ship them to us or drop them off at our office. Please email us at contactus@tech-fin.org before you come.

My computer (almost) meets your requirements, but it is not working, can I still bring it in?

TechFIN appreciates your generosity, however, we will not be able to utilize computers that do not meet specifications.  We highly encourage recycling your old computer if you cannot find a home for it!

What software is installed on the computers? 

Computers come pre-loaded with current Windows Operating System software, Google productivity applications, and free-antivirus software. 

Do I need to get licenses for the software?

No, the computer comes with a licensed version of Windows operating system.

Do you help with computer setup?

TechFIN is pleased to provide full instruction manuals with each laptop and desktop computer outlining all setup instructions. If additional assistance is required, the recipient may coordinate with the organization we partnered with to donate the computer for additional support. 

Do the PCs come with other hardware?

Yes, TechFIN provides a mouse, keyboard, monitor, and the necessary cables to ensure the computer can work immediately.

How is the performance of the PCs? Can I use this for gaming?

TechFIN’s mission is to provide computers which can support a students classwork needs as they pursue graduation and college.  We DO NOT recommend them for gaming purposes.

What operating system does the PC come with?

All TechFIN PC’s come with current Microsoft Windows Operating System software. 

Is Internet/Wi-Fi included?

TechFIN understands the importance of internet connectivity and encourages anyone needing free internet service to inquire with programs from your local libraries, cable system providers, or cell phone services provider- such as T-Mobile.  Our Laptop computers come with wi-fi adapters installed, our desktop computers may require the purchase of a usb-enabled wi-fi adapter.

Who pays for shipping of computers?

TechFIN works with local community organizations to sort out logistical concerns such as these so recipients can receive their computers free of charge.

I would like to donate my old computer(s) but unfortunately, it doesn’t meet your requirements, can you recommend other organizations I can give them to?

TechFIN strongly suggests that you work with your local sanitation department or corporate recycler to recycle your computer and prevent these components from damaging our environment!

Do you accept computer hardware donations from individuals?

Yes, TechFIN will graciously accept your donation if the computers meet our specification requirements and if the donor is willing to drop off their unwanted PC-based machine at our office. 

Are my donations tax deductible?

Yes. TechFIN is a registered 501c3 organization and all monetary and computer hardware donations are tax deductible. 

I don’t have computers to donate, but I agree with your mission statement. Is a financial donation okay?

TechFIN utilizes monetary donations to support the refurbishment process of our laptops and desktop computers.  With your financial support, we can purchase hard drives, RAM, Keyboards, Mice, and other components essential the to refurbishment process.  To make a financial donation to us, click the DONATE link in the menu!

What organization(s) do you partner with?

We partner with community-based organizations throughout the five boroughs of NYC, Long Island, and surrounding areas.  Please contact your local organization if you are interested in receiving a computer, and have them reach out to us!

I am trying to raise awareness about digital waste, can I contact you for statistics?

TechFIN produces an annual report which outlines our impact on the communities we serve, and the environment.  Please take a look at our page for our latest Annual Report.

I represent a nonprofit organization that works with low-income families in need of computer hardware. How can I partner with you?

Please email us at contactus@tech-fin.org to start the conversation. 

My company is interested in donating computer hardware. How do we get started and what are your specifications and requirements?

Please email contactus@tech-fin.org to begin the process.

Can I become a board member and what are the requirements?

Please email us at contactus@tech-fin.org to start the conversation. 

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